Saturday, April 12, 2014

Made in the USA & Go Local: Handmade Soaps from Food4YourSkinOnline, ironwood Ranch, and South Austin People

Arizona has art and craft fairs in spring, fall,and winter. The summer here is so hot that people don't even have yard sales during the summer heat. Finding arts and crafts made by local residents is fascinating; the artists are usually present at the booth, and they are generally very excited to talk about their work. The nosy curious person like me truly enjoy talking to whoever creates interesting things.

Although trying something new and creating things are activities that fuel my life, there are certain things I would rather buy from someone else. Soap is one of those things. Soap making sounds fun especially after reading the novel Fight Club (just kidding), but I would not know what to do with lots of soaps unless I can sell them. I also like switching scent of soap, so making a batch with one scent and using that for a long time would probably bore me. Luckily, there are many soap makers in Arizona who I can by soaps from whenever I need them.

In Southern Arizona, my favorite local soaps come from Food4YourSkinOnline. The soap maker sells soap and other skin care products at art fairs as well as at her online store. The soaps have fantastic scents and lather nicely.

Ironwood Ranch makes superb goat milk soaps. They are easy to find as they are st St. Philips market in Tucson on most Saturdays. Because of the combination of goat milk and essential oils, the soaps have distinctive fragrance. Their soaps are great for body wash.

When I was living in Texas, I only used soaps from South Austin People. I miss their lemongrass and ginger soap and Texas pecan eucalyptus soap! As much as I miss them, I insist on buying soap locally.

Photo from South Austin People

I definitely recommend buying soaps in person since some scents are really unpredictable from the names. There are more local soap makes than people think. Go local!

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