Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ip Man and Ip Chun

Netflix offers many foreign films some viewers may never watch unless included in monthly fees. The best thing about the Netflix's system is that we can stop watching any boring movie without losing money. Back in the day, returning a movie was never an exciting part of watching a movie, but returning a movie I HATED used to ruin my day. With Netflix or Amazon Prime, all I have to lose is ten or fifteen minutes of my time I could have used for something else, like watching sloth videos.

Sloths are lovely, but I can only watch so many sloth videos. After a while I crave for some action movies. Since an action sloth movie is unavailable, I often look for martial arts movies. Ip Man and Ip Man 2 (the reason why the American movie title is not "Yip Man," I'm not sure) were surprisingly entertaining. Prior to watching these movies, I had seen Donnie Yen's action cop movie Flash Point (which is also on Netflix) and I enjoyed his fight moves. Two exciting Ip Man movies lead me to look for more Ip Man movies including The Legend is Born: Ip Man. There is an old man in this movie by the name Leung Bik who meets young Ip Man and becomes his mentor. This old man is played by Ip Chun, Ip Man's son.

Ip Man: The Final Fight is the newest Ip Man movie created in 2013. According to IMDB, there is "Ip Man 3" in development, but no details are disclosed at this point. IMDB got me excited so many times with movies in development and then left me in valley of sorrow when the movie deal fell through. What happened to the movie version of Silence based on a novel by Shusaku Endo rumored on IMDB five years ago? Of course, I would rather see the deal gone if the casting and script is not aligned with the novel. We'll see.

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